

Title Recent Advancements and Future submissions of Silica Core-Shell Nanoparticles
Faculty Authors Dr. Pinaki Sengupta Impact Factor 6.51 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Title The molecular basis for the calcium-dependent slow AHP in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 4.755 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name frontiers in physiology
Title Chapter 22 – “Organ-on-a-chip”-based physiologically relevant pharmacokinetic models
Faculty Authors Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title A comprehensive review on assessment and key control strategies for impurities in drug development with a special emphasis on postmarketing surveillance
Faculty Authors Dr. Pinaki Sengupta Impact Factor 2.538 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation
Title Identification of Novel Bioactive Compounds, Neurosporalol 1 and 2 from an Endolichenic Fungus, Neurospora ugadawe Inhabited in the Lichen Host, Graphis tsunodae Zahlbr. from Mangrove Ecosystem in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 0.540 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Asian Journal of Chemistry
Title Validation of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging as an Early-Stage Biomarker of Parkinson’s Disease in Animal Models
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 0.000 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Evaluation of Tissue Engineering Approaches for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration in Relevant Animal Models
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 0.000 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Medical Devices Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name ACS Applied Bio Materials
Title A Study on Factors Influencing Social Media Advertisements with Reference to Cosmetics Industry
Faculty Authors Dr. Nadiminti Rajesh Kumar Impact Factor 0.000 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutical Management Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Journal of Marketing Vistas
Title A systematic UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS based analytical approach for characterization of flibanserin metabolites and establishment of biotransformation pathway
Faculty Authors Dr. Pinaki Sengupta, Dr. Ravi Shah Impact Factor 3.318 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Journal of Chromatography B
Title Applicability of Native L-Arginase produced by Streptomyces plicatus KAR73 as Antineoplastic Agent
Faculty Authors Dr. Aakanchha Jain Impact Factor 1.056 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
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