

Title Chapter 7 – Chronopharmacokinetics
Faculty Authors Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Organic Reactions in Aqueous Media Catalyzed by Nickel
Faculty Authors Dr. Dinesh Kumar Impact Factor 11.034 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Medicinal Chemistry Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Green Chemistry
Title Chapter 3 – Dose,Dosage regimen and Dose adjustment in Organ Failure
Faculty Authors Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Chapter 15 – Implications for sex-related issues in clinical pharmacology and biopharmaceutics
Faculty Authors Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and formulation aspects of Glycosmis species: A systematic review
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 4.004 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Natural Products Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Phytochemistry
Title Overview of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma: Risk factors, mechanisms, and diagnostics
Faculty Authors Dr. Amit Mandoli Impact Factor 5.972 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Oral Oncology
Title Chapter 3- Thermally Responsive Externally Activated Theranostics (TREAT) for On-Demand Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems
Faculty Authors Dr. Aakanchha Jain Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Dasharath B. Shinde, Ranjitsinh Pawar, Jyotsna Vitore, Deepak Kulkarni, Shubham Musale, Prabhanjan S. Giram
Faculty Authors Abhijeet S. Kate Impact Factor 3.348 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Polymers for Advanced Technologies
Title 309 metagenome assembled microbial genomes from deep sediment samples in the Gulfs of Kathiawar Peninsula,
Faculty Authors Abhijeet S. Kate Impact Factor 8.501 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name scientific data
Title Structural Features Regulated Photoluminescence Intensity and Cell Internalization of Carbon and Graphene Quantum Dots for Bioimaging,
Faculty Authors Dr. Hemant Kumar Impact Factor 7.328 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Materials Science and Engineering: C
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