

Title Local Delivery of Senolytic Drug Inhibits Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Restores Intervertebral Disc Structure
Faculty Authors Dr. Hemant Kumar Impact Factor 11.092 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Advanced Healthcare Materials
Title Role of miRNAs In Cancer Diagnostics And Therapy: A Recent Update
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 3.31 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Current Pharmaceutical Design
Title Emerging Roles and Biopharmaceutical Applications of Milk Derived Exosomes
Faculty Authors Dr. Pinaki Sengupta Impact Factor 5.062 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
Title Recent Advances in Natural Product-Based NF‑κB Inhibitors as Anticancer and Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Faculty Authors Abhijeet S. Kate Impact Factor 2.329 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Medicinal Chemistry Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Medicinal Chemistry
Title Comparative stemness and differentiation of luminal and basal breast cancer stem cell type under glutamine‐deprivation
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 5.908 Year 2021
DOI Number doi.org/10.1007/s12079-020-00603-1 Page No Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology, Department of Medical Devices Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
Title Regulation of tumor immune microenvironment by sphingolipids and lysophosphatidic acid
Faculty Authors Abhijeet S. Kate Impact Factor 2.937 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Medical Devices Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Current Drug Targets
Title A molecular perspective for the use of type IV tyrosine kinase inhibitors as anticancer therapeutics
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 8.369 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Medicinal Chemistry Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Drug Discovery Today
Title Stroke and stroke prevention in sickle cell anemia in developed and selected developing countries, Journal of the Neurological Sciences.
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 4.553 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Journal of the Neurological Sciences
Title Chapter 6 – Kinetics of maternal-fetal drug transfer
Faculty Authors Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Development and Characterization of Saturated Fatty Acid-Engineered, Silica-Coated Lipid Vesicular System for Effective Oral Delivery of Alfa-Choriogonadotropin
Faculty Authors Abhijeet S. Kate Impact Factor 4.026 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name AAPS PharmSciTech
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