

Title LC–MS/MS bioanalytical method for quantification of binimetinib and venetoclax, and their pharmacokinetic interaction
Faculty Authors Dr. Pinaki Sengupta Impact Factor 2.695 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis Paper Type Research Issue No
Title Chapter 14 – Influence of fever on pharmacokinetics of drugs
Faculty Authors Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutics Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Research Aspects and Strategies for the Development of Biosensors for Renal Disease Diagnosis
Faculty Authors Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Chapter 10 Polymeric nanomaterials in neuroscience
Faculty Authors Impact Factor N.A Year 2021
DOI Number Page No 291-308. Volume No
Department Department of Biotechnology Paper Type Book Chapter Paper Issue No
Journal Name Nil
Title Multifunctional polymeric micellar nanomedicine in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 7.328 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Materials Science and Engineering: C
Title LC-HRMS Studies on Ruxolitinib Degradation: A Comprehensive Approach during Drug Development,
Faculty Authors Dr. Ravi Shah Impact Factor 3.532 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis Paper Type Research Issue No
Journal Name Analytical Methods
Title Integrated nanomaterials for non-invasive photothermal therapy of rheumatoid arthritis
Faculty Authors Dr. Pinaki Sengupta Impact Factor 8.369 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Drug Discovery Today
Title Nanomedicine in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 4.767 Year 2021
DOI Number doi: 10.4155/fmc-2020-0335. Page No Volume No
Department Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Future Medicinal Chemistry
Title Herbal nanomedicines: Recent advancements, challenges, opportunities and regulatory overview
Faculty Authors Impact Factor 6.656 Year 2021
DOI Number Page No Volume No
Department Department of Natural Products Paper Type Review Issue No
Journal Name Phytomedicine
Title Signal amplification strategies in electrochemical biosensors
Faculty Authors Akshay Srivastava, Pallab Bhattacharya Impact Factor Materials Advances. doi.org/10.1039/D2MA00427E Year 2020
DOI Number https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/ma/d2ma00427e Page No 21 Volume No 123
Department Department of Natural Products Paper Type Review Issue No 123
Journal Name Signal amplification strategies in electrochemical biosensors via antibody immobilization and nanomaterial-based transducers
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