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नेशनल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ फार्मास्युटिकल एजुकेशन एंड रिसर्च (नाईपर) - अहमदाबाद



  1. Actualités Pharmaceutiques
  2. Accounts of Chemical Research
  3. Accounts of Materials Research
  4. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology
  5. ACS Applied Bio Materials
  6. ACS Applied Electronic Materials
  7. ACS Applied Energy Materials
  8. ACS Applied Engineering Materials
  9. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
  10. ACS Applied Nano Materials
  11. ACS Applied Optical Materials
  12. ACS Applied Polymer Materials
  13. ACS Bio & Med Chem Au
  14. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
  15. ACS Catalysis
  16. ACS Central Science
  17. ACS Chemical Biology
  18. ACS Chemical Health & Safety
  19. ACS Chemical Neuroscience
  20. ACS Combinatorial Science
  21. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry
  22. ACS Energy Letters
  23. ACS Engineering Au
  24. ACS Environmental Au
  25. ACS ES&T Engineering
  26. ACS ES&T Water
  27. ACS Food Science & Technology
  28. ACS Infectious Diseases
  29. ACS Macro Letters
  30. ACS Materials Au
  31. ACS Materials Letters
  32. ACS Measurement Science Au
  33. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
  34. ACS Nano
  35. ACS Nanoscience Au
  36. ACS Omega
  37. ACS Organic & Inorganic Au
  38. ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science
  39. ACS Photonics
  40. ACS Physical Chemistry Au
  41. ACS Polymers Au
  42. ACS Sensors
  43. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
  44. ACS Synthetic Biology
  45. Analytical Chemistry
  46. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
  47. Advances in Integrative Medicine
  48. Advances in Medical Sciences
  49. Alcohol
  50. Analyst
  51. Analytical Methods
  52. Antiviral Research
  53. Biochemical Pharmacology
  54. Biochemistry
  55. Bioconjugate Chemistry
  56. Biomacromolecules
  57. Biomaterials Science
  58. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
  59. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
  60. Bioorganic Chemistry
  61. Biosystems
  62. Biotechnology Progress
  63. Catalysis Science & Technology
  64. Chemical & Biomedical Imaging
  65. Chemical Communications 
  66. Chemical Research in Toxicology
  67. Chemical Reviews
  68. Chemistry of Materials
  69. Chemical Science
  70. Chemical Society Reviews 
  71. Chemico-Biological Interactions
  72. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines
  73. Clinical Therapeutics
  74. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
  75. Computational Toxicology
  76. Crystal Growth & Design
  77. CrystEngComm
  78. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology
  79. Current Opinion in Pharmacology
  80. Current Opinion in Toxicology
  81. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
  82. Dalton Transactions
  83. Digital Discovery
  84. DNA Repair
  85. Drug and Alcohol Dependence
  86. Drug Discovery Today
  87. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
  88. Drug Resistance Updates
  89. Energy & Environmental Science
  90. Energy & Fuels
  91. Energy Advances
  92. Environmental Science & Technology
  93. Environmental Science & Technology Letters
  94. Environmental Science, Process & Impacts
  95. Environmental Science: Advances
  96. Environmental Science: Atmospheres
  97. Environmental Science: Nano
  98. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
  99. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
  100. European Journal of Integrative Medicine
  101. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  102. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
  103. European Journal of Pharmacology
  104. European Neuropsychopharmacology
  105. Faraday Discussions
  106. Fitoterapia
  107. Food & Function
  108. Food and Chemical Toxicology
  109. Forensic Science International
  110. Green Chemistry
  111. I&EC Product Research and Development
  112. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
  113. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition
  114. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals
  115. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development
  116. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development
  117. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
  118. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, News Edition
  119. Inorganic Chemistry
  120. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
  121. International Immunopharmacology
  122. International Journal of Drug Policy
  123. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
  124. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
  125. International Journal of Pharmaceutics
  126. JACS Au
  127. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  128. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
  129. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
  130. Journal of Chemical Education
  131. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
  132. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
  133. Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
  134. Journal of Controlled Release
  135. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
  136. Journal of Ethnopharmacology
  137. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
  138. Journal of Herbal Medicine
  139. Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
  140. Journal of Materials Chemistry A
  141. Journal of Materials Chemistry B
  142. Journal of Materials Chemistry C
  143. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  144. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
  145. Journal of Natural Products
  146. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
  147. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods
  148. Journal of Proteome Research
  149. Journal of the American Chemical Society
  150. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
  151. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
  152. Lab on a Chip
  153. Langmuir
  154. Legal Medicine
  155. Life Sciences
  156. Macromolecules
  157. Materials Advances
  158. Materials Chemistry Frontiers
  159. Materials Horizons
  160. Medical Hypotheses
  161. Molecular Omics
  162. Molecular Pharmaceutics
  163. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering
  164. Mutation Research: Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
  165. Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
  166. Mutation Research: Reviews in Mutation Research
  167. Nano Letters
  168. Nanoimpact
  169. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
  170. Nanoscale
  171. Nanoscale Advances
  172. Nanoscale Horizons
  173. Natural Product Reports 
  174. Neurochemistry International
  175. Neuropharmacology
  176. Neurotoxicology
  177. Neurotoxicology and Teratology
  178. New Journal of Chemistry 
  179. News Edition, American Chemical Society
  180. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
  181. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 
  182. Organic Chemistry Frontiers
  183. Organic Letters
  184. Organometallics
  185. Organic Process Research & Development
  186. Pharmacological Research
  187. Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  188. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
  189. Pharmanutrition
  190. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 
  191. Phytochemistry
  192. Phytochemistry Letters
  193. Phytomedicine
  194. Polymer Chemistry
  195. Precision Chemistry
  196. Product R&D
  197. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry
  198. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  199. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering
  200. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
  201. Reproductive Toxicology
  202. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy
  203. RSC Advances
  204. RSC Chemical Biology
  205. RSC Medicinal Chemistry (previously MedChemComm)
  206. Science & Justice
  207. Sensors & Diagnostics
  208. Soft Matter
  209. Sustainable Energy & Fuels
  210. Tetrahedron
  211. Tetrahedron Letters
  212. The Journal of Organic Chemistry
  213. The Journal of Physical Chemistry
  214. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
  215. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
  216. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
  217. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
  218. Toxicology
  219. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
  220. Toxicology in VItro
  221. Toxicology Letters
  222. Toxicon
  223. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
  224. Vascular Pharmacology
  1. BioSpectrum
  2. Bloomberg Businessweek
  3. Business Connect
  4. Business Today
  5. Data Quest
  6. Decision
  7. Drug Today
  8. Entrepreneur Magazine
  9. Forbes India
  10. Fortune India
  11. Harvard Business Review
  12. Health & Nutrition
  13. IIMB Management Review
  14. india today
  15. india today (Hindi)
  16. Indian Drug
  17. Indore Management Journal (IMJ)
  18. Journal of Cell & Tissue Research
  19. Outlook
  20. Pharma Times
  21. SportStar
  22. Swamysnews Magazine
  23. The Economist
  24. The IUP Journal of Marketing Management
  25. The week
  26. Time
  27. Vilakshan: XIMB Journal of Management
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