
Dr. Dinesh Kumar, PDF, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Research Interest

  • Development of new strategies and concepts in synthetic organic chemistry to address challenging problems in biomedical research, particularly anti-cancer drug discovery.
  • Development of new reaction methodologies
  • Discovery of anti-cancer drug candidates
  • Multi-step synthesis of pharmaceuticals and bioactive natural products
  • Green chemistry


  • Sept. 2017 - Present
    Assistant Professor

    NIPER-Ahmedabad (INDIA)

  • Nov. 2013 – Sept. 2017
    Post-doctoral Fellow

    Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, USA

  • April 2011 - Nov. 2013
    CSIR-Research Associate (CSIR-RA)

    Department of Medicinal Chemistry, NIPER SAS Nagar (Mohali), India

  • April 2009 - March 2013
    CSIR-Senior Research Fellow (CSIR-SRF)

    Department of Medicinal Chemistry, NIPER SAS Nagar (Mohali), India



  • Best Poster award at 2nd KU-NDSU Joint Symposium on Biotechnology, Nanomaterials and Polymers, Fukushima, Japan, November 2016.
  • 1st Prize of 2013 Eli Lilly and Company Asia Outstanding Thesis Awards.
  • Research Associateship (2011) by Human Resource Development Group, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR-HRDG), Government of India.
  • Best Poster award at 14th International Conference (ISCBC-2010) on Chemical Biology for Discovery: Perspectives and Challenges, January 2010, CDRI, Lucknow, India.
  • Senior Research Fellowship (2009) by Human Resource Development Group, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR-HRDG), Government of India.
  • Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE–2005 category: Pharmaceutical Sciences) with 98.64 percentile
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