
Dr. Amit Mandoli, PDF, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Research Interest

  • Dr.Amit Mandoli research focuses on using high-throughput assays to identify unique molecular processes that are involved in cancer, and translate the fundamental insights gained through his research into diagnostics and drug discovery
  • Core areas of his research are: Genomics, Functional Genomics, Epigenetics (ChIP-seq), Chromatin interactions (HiC, 4C, Hi-ChIP), Transcriptomics (RNA-seq), Gene regulation, Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, Mass-spec based high-throughput proteomics, NGS analysis and development of novel in vitro cancer model systems.


  • February 2020 -Present
    Assistant Professor

    NIPER- Ahmedabad, Palaj, Gandhinagar

  • February 2018 – February 2020
    Senior Researcher

    Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore

  • March 2017 – October 2017
    Postdoc scientist

    Institute for cancer research, Oslo University Hospital, Norway

  • January 2012 – December 2016
    Postdoc scientist

    Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS), Nijmegen, The Netherlands Honours/Awards/Grants/Consultancies


  • Postdoc scientist funded by Dutch Cancer Society
  • Prestigious International PhD grant for foreign nationals by Italian government and CARIPARO
  • CSIR diamond jubilee research interns award
  • MSc Biotechnology Scholarship from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT)


  • Ambika Chamoli, Abhishek S.Gosavi, Urjita P.Shirwadkar, Khushal V.Wangdale, Santosh Kumar Behera, Nawneet Kumar Kurrey, Kiran Kalia,
    Mandoli A. (2021). Overview of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma: Risk factors, mechanisms, and diagnostics, Oral Oncology. 121, 105451. doi.org/10.1016/j.oraloncology.2021.105451
  • Sagar Salave, Sonali Jain, Ambika Chamoli, Mandoli A,, Ravi Shah, Kiran Kalia, Derajram Benival. (2020). Role Of Biologicals For Combating Covid-19: A Systematic Review, World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical
    Sciences,9(12), 456-484. DOI: 10.20959/wjpps202012-17770
  • Cordonnier G,Mandoli A,, Cagnard N, et al. CBFβ-SMMHC Affects Genome-wide Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 Activity in Acute Myeloid. Leukemia. Cell Rep. 2020;30(2):299–307.e3 (IF: 8.1)
  • Tijchon E, Yi G,Mandoli A,, et al. The acute myeloid leukemia associated AML1-ETO fusion protein alters the transcriptome and cellular progression in a single-oncogene expressing in vitro induced pluripotent stem cell
    based granulocyte differentiation model. PLoS One. 2019;14(12):e0226435 (IF: 2.26)
  • Ooi WF, Nargund,Mandoli A,, Lim KJ, et al. Integrated paired-end enhancer profiling and whole-genome sequencing reveals recurrent CCNE1 and IGF2 enhancer hijacking in primary gastric adenocarcinoma. Gut. 2019;gutjnl-2018-317612
    (IF: 17)
  • Yi G,Mandoli A, Jussen L, et al. CBFβ-MYH11 interferes with megakaryocyte differentiation via modulating a gene program that includes GATA2 and KLF1. Blood Cancer J. 2019;9(3):33 (IF: 8.1)
  • Yi G, Wierenga ATJ, Petraglia F, et al. Chromatin-Based Classification of Genetically Heterogeneous AMLs into Two Distinct Subtypes with Diverse Stemness Phenotypes. Cell Rep. 2019;26(4):1059–1069.e6 (IF: 7.2)
  • Cordonnier G, Mandoli A, Radhouane A, et al. CBFβ-SMMHC regulates ribosomal gene transcription and alters ribosome biogenesis. Leukemia. 2017;31(6):1443–1446 (IF: 12.1 )
  • Prange KHM,Mandoli A, Kuznetsova T, et al. MLL-AF9 and MLL-AF4 oncofusion proteins bind a distinct enhancer repertoire and target the RUNX1 program in 11q23 acute myeloid leukemia. Oncogene. 2017;36(23):3346–3356 (IF:
  • Singh AA,Mandoli A, Prange KH, Laakso M, Martens JH. AML associated oncofusion proteins PML-RARA, AML1-ETO and CBFB-MYH11 target RUNX/ETS-factor binding sites to modulate H3ac levels and drive leukemogenesis. Oncotarget.
    2017;8(8):12855–12865 (IF: 5.1)
  • Mandoli A, Singh AA, Prange KHM, et al. The Hematopoietic Transcription Factors RUNX1 and ERG Prevent AML1-ETO Oncogene Overexpression and Onset of the Apoptosis Program in t(8;21) AMLs. Cell Rep. 2016;17(8):2087–2100
    (IF: 7.2)
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